
My Diary - Rainy day


raining cats and dogs - 土砂降りの雨

rainboots - 長靴

thunder and lightning - 雷と稲妻

interval - 間


1. How can you tell if the lightning is close or far from where you are?

2. Is there more thunder and lightning in Japan or in Florida?

3. When I was a child, where did I like to be during a storm?


Today it has been raining cats and dogs all day. I hate being wet, so I made sure to wear my rainboots and raincoat.  This afternoon, I noticed a little thunder, but I didn't see any lightning.  It seems like in Japan there isn't a lot of thunder and lightning.  In Florida, there is often a lot of thunder and lightning, and it is much louder and brighter.  When I was a child, I remember the thunder was sometimes so lound that it shook the walls of the house.  It was said that if you counted the number of seconds between the time that the lightning flashed and the time that the thunder boomed, you could tell how close it struck.  If the interval was just one second, then it meant that the lightning struck about one mile away.  As a child I enjoyed laying in front of the sliding glass door to my back yard at night and waiting for the lightning to strike as I listened to the heavy rain drum down.  When it came, even though it was so black outside, the lightning lit up everything as clear as day.  The only time I would get scared was when the interval between the thunder and the lightning was too quick too count.

1 件のコメント:

  1. 1. How can you tell if the lightning is close or far from where you are?

    I think,It was said that if you counted the number of seconds between the time that the lightning flashed and the time that the thunder boomed, you could tell how close it struck. If the interval was just one second, then it meant that the lightning struck about one mile away.

    2. Is there more thunder and lightning in Japan or in Florida?

    In Florida.

    3. When I was a child, where did I like to be during a storm?

    It was in front of the sliding glass door to my back yard
